DrupalEasy Podcast 170 - Obscure Buffalo (David Snopek - Drupal 6 End-of-Life)

David Snopek from myDropWizard joins Mike, Anna, and Ted to discuss the immenint (and ominous-sounding) Drupal 6 end-of-life as well as some "official" paid support options for the future. We also celebrate DrupalEasy.com's recent Drupal 8 relaunch (just barely avoiding end-of-life), the Commerce Guys spin-off Platform.sh, and one of our community's biggest issues.


DrupalEasy News

  • The next session of the 12-week Drupal Career Online course starts in March, 2016 - visit DrupalEasy.com/dco for all the details.

##Four Stories


Picks of the Week

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Five Questions (answers only)

  1. Languages & language learning: Russian & Polish
  2. Democracy 3 - Win/Mac/Linux sim game
  3. Give a keynote presentation
  4. Aspirational answer: European bison in a specific primordial forest (half credit)
  5. Becoming Panopoly co-maintainer (2013)

Intro Music

DrupalCon - from the DruaplCon Los Angeles pre-note performed by Kristina Bjoran.


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February 26, 2016