Cathy Theys (YesCT) makes the quickest return guest visit in the history of the DrupalEasy podcast to help provide Ted and Mike with an overview of the current status of Drupal 8. We talk about most of the Drupal 8 initiatives as well as the-things-that-are-not-initiatives-but-feel-like-initiatives. We also go all meta meta (not a typo), and rejoice at the death of upgrading a site (hello, migrating). If that wasn’t enough Drupal goodness, we also talk about Certified to Rock, Le Tour De Drupal, and the future Panopoly 1.0.
- Cathy is a Community Contributor for Cheppers, a Drupal shop in Budapest Hungary with about 15 people. She’s also a Drupal community sprint organizer extraordinaire (Global sprint weekend: Jan 25-26), and a Drupal community new contributor trainer (follow @drupalmentoring for days and times). Also, check out her blog posts on Getting Paid, and the awesome company that stepped up to make it happen.
- The next step for Druapl 8 is beta blog post by Dries.
- This (two!) weeks in Drupal Core: December 4, 2014 blog post by webchick.
- Official Drupal 8 Initiatives
- Community Initiatives
- The article Ted mentioned about configuring Eclipse
- Overlay module won’t be in contrib
Five Questions
Each podcast we ask our guests the same five questions. Since Cathy already answered four of them in a previous podcast, here’s her only answer:
- menu routing
Want to know what the five questions are? Listen to the podcast!
##Three Stories
- Certified to Rock is dead, long live CTR
- Tour De Drupal, come to DrupalCon Amsterdam by bike
- Getting to Panopoly 1.0 and beyond! blog post by Tom Kirkpatrick (mrfelton)
Picks of the Week
- Ted - Drupal 7 upgrade F.A.Q, submitting a bug report for the D7 upgrade
- Mike - Reddit Drupal AMA’s - most recently Larry Garfield (question from CrellsVest), Greg Knaddison (thanks for the shout-out!), Chris Shattuck, Angie Byron. Upcoming AMA’s with Holly Ross, Cathy Theys (Jan 8), and Dries.
- Cathy - 2014 Leadership Plan and Budget - Community Call Recording
Upcoming Events
- Florida DrupalCamp 2014 Save the Date - Saturday and Sunday, March 8-9, 2014, Florida Technical College, Orlando, Florida.
##Follow us on Twitter
Intro Music
Drupal Way by Marcia Buckingham (acmaintainer) (vocals, bass and mandolin) and Charlie Poplees (guitar). The lyrics by Marcia Buckingham, music by Kate Wolfe.
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