
DrupalEasy Quicktips are short, focused posts intended to accomplish a very specific goal. Quicktips are exclusively available first via our @drupaleasy Twitter account.

DDEV integration plugin for PhpStorm can increase your Drupal development efficiency

Published May 27, 2023

If you use DDEV and PhpStorm, then the DDEV Integration plugin should definitely interest you (especially if you're into code quality tools like phpcs and PhpStan). If you don't use DDEV and PhpStorm, then the DDEV Integration plugin might entice you to take a fresh look...

Updating the DrupalEasy.com codebase to use Composer 2

Published December 30, 2020

After teaching folks how to use Composer effectively over the past couple of years, I figured it was time for me to (finally) update DrupalEasy.com to use Composer 2. I figured it would be a pretty easy process, and I was correct.

I've had a few people ask me about the process, so I thought I'd write up what it took to update this site to Composer 2. First a few facts about this codebase: