DrupalEasy Podcast 123: It’s Got Berdir

Alex Pott (alexpott), Cathy Theys (YesCT), and Jozef Toth (mogdesign) join Ted Bowman and Mike Anello to solve all of the Drupal’s community funding problems - or at least to dream about a solution. Alex is one of the Drupal 8 core committers and has successfully used Gittip and other means to be able to raise enough money to work on Drupal 8 full-time. Cathy has successfully found multiple sponsors to support her work in the community (mainly on Drupal 8) and Jozef is co-founder of Drupalfund, a web site where Drupal developers can post projects and request sponsors (think Kickstarter for Drupal). As if that wasn’t enough, we also have picks of the week (including a pick-of-the-week cage match between Ted and Mike) and our 5 (more like 11) questions.


Five Questions

Each podcast we ask our guests the same five questions. Here are the answers:

  1. Alex: MacBook Pro, PHP switcher, phpStorm; Jozef: MacBook Brackets
  2. Cathy: Marc Drummond (mdrummond); Alex: Ian Thomas (ianthomas_uk); Jozef: crowdfunding folks
  3. Alex: Switzerland; Jozef: Eastern Europe
  4. Alex: JavaScript; Jozef: twig
  5. Alex: CMI; Jozef: Drupal.org built-in fundraising


Picks of the Week

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Intro Music

Drupal Way by Marcia Buckingham (acmaintainer) (vocals, bass and mandolin) and Charlie Poplees (guitar). The lyrics by Marcia Buckingham, music by Kate Wolfe.


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If you'd like to leave us a voicemail, call 321-396-2340. Please keep in mind that we might play your voicemail during one of our future podcasts. Feel free to call in with suggestions, rants, questions, or cage match suggestions. If you'd rather just send us an email, please use our contact page.

February 20, 2014