Kevin Bridges (cyberswat), Director of Technology at New Media Denver and self-proclaimed Open Source Technologist, joins Mike Anello (ultimike) to take a fresh look at DevOps. We learn that we (mostly) shouldn’t even be using the word “DevOps”, it’s all about processes and culture, sharing is the key, and there’s a business model for specializing in this thing that we’re no longer calling “DevOps”. Additional topics include project- vs. team-based community funding, Drupal 6 support, and as always, our picks of the week and 5 questions!
- The proposed Drupal DevOps Working Group
- Kevin’s The State of Drupal DevOps DrupalCon Austin presentation.
- DevOps Survey results
- Late-breaking: Kevin has been invited to present State of Drupal DevOps at DrupalCon Amsterdam.
Five Questions
Each podcast we ask our guests the same five questions. Here are the answers:
- System76, Ubuntu, Sublime
- Kris Buytaert (KrisBuytaert)
- Hawaii
- Instant environment migration
DrupalEasy News
- Getting Your Stuff into Drupal: Basics of Content Migration - July 22-23, 1-5pm EDT. $199 (discount code: earlybird).
- Drupal: Blue Collar Views - July 29-30, 1-5pm EDT. $199 (discount code: earlybird).
- Drupal Career Online - our 12-week, Drupal career training program is now online, and open to anyone to apply. Florida residents may be eligible for a full scholarship through their local workforce board, contact us for details.
##Three Stories
- #d8rules fully funded on
- The State of #flagonD8 by Tess (socketwench). Raised $1,040 on to go to DrupalCon Austin.
- Drupal 6 support to continue for 3 months after Drupal 8 release.
Picks of the Week
- Mike - 5 PHP Components every Drupal 8 Developer should know: Part 1 -- Composer - blog post by Kris Vanderwater (EclipseGc).
- Kevin - Site Audit Module by John Peck (FluxSauce) - Site Audit is a Drupal static site analysis platform that generates reports with actionable best practice recommendations and can be used from drush.
Upcoming Events
- DrupalCamp Colorado - August 1-3, 2014.
- Core Sprint: Drupal 8 at the Jersey Shore - July 12-13, 2014 - Asbury Park.
##Follow us on Twitter
Intro Music
Drupal Way by Marcia Buckingham (acmaintainer) (vocals, bass and mandolin) and Charlie Poplees (guitar). The lyrics by Marcia Buckingham, music by Kate Wolfe.
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If you'd like to leave us a voicemail, call 321-396-2340. Please keep in mind that we might play your voicemail during one of our future podcasts. Feel free to call in with suggestions, rants, questions, or Andrew Riley’s exact location (lat/long) for next week’s podcast. If you'd rather just send us an email, please use our contact page.