Ben Jeavons, coltrane on, member of the Drupal security team, joins Ted Bowman, Ryan Price, and Mike Anello on the first post-DrupalCon Los Angeles podcast. Ben gets us up-to-speed on two-factor authentication and the modules he helped write as well as their implementation on We also wrap up our coverage of DrupalCon Los Angeles, practice using Ted's new nickname, and assign homework to listeners.
- What is two-factor authentication? Ben's Drupal Watchdog article.
- TFA module beta 2.
- TFA basic plugins beta 2, Twilio.
- TFA on and rollout to all users.
- TFA module bug bounty.
- List of web site supporting two-factor authentication.
DrupalEasy News
- WE Drupal - is your organization looking to build its talent pipeline? Then consider hiring one of our upcoming graduates as an intern and/or junior developer.
- Podcasts each day from DrupalCon Los Angeles.
- Build your organization's Drupal talent pipeline with DrupalEasy's Drupal Career Online program. Join agencies like Acquia and Amazee Labs who are instituting internal developer training programs.
Seven Stories
- DrupalCon Los Angeles attendance: 3,186.
- Blink Reaction + ProPeople = FFW.
- Pantheon acquires NodeSquirrel.
- 2015 At-Large Election Data Released - blog post by Holly Ross.
- CHM2 - Chapter Three: the first Fortune 500 Drupal 8 site.
- Listener Homework - Read The Cultural Construction of Drupal blog post by Matthew Tift.
- Learn by Listening, a Guide to Drupal Podcasts blog post by Jim Burch.
Picks of the Week
- Mike - Tracking Code module by Chip Kaye (chipk) and Shawn Duncan (FatherShawn). Allows for each insertion of 3rd party tracking codes.
- Ted - DrupalCon Videos to Watch according to Ted.
- Ryan - Ringr. Two-way voice recorder for smartphones - great for recording podcast interviews.
Upcoming Events
- DrupalCamp Colorado - June 19-21, 2015.
- Twin Cities Drupal Camp - June 25-28, 2015.
- Beginning Drupal Online.
- Online Drupal 7 Module Development - Learn Module Development Online.
##Follow us on Twitter
Five Questions (answers only)
- Cornell Gamelan Ensemble.
- Feedly app.
- Getting taxes done by end of January.
- Checkers-playing pigeon.
- My first Florida DrupalCamp.
Intro Music
Simpletest - from the DruaplCon Los Angeles pre-note performed by Jeremy "TestBot" Thorsen.
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If you'd like to leave us a voicemail, call 321-396-2340. Please keep in mind that we might play your voicemail during one of our future podcasts. Feel free to call in with suggestions, rants, questions, or corrections. If you'd rather just send us an email, please use our contact page.