Sarah Thrasher (sarahjean), front-end developer with Acquia, joins Andrew (remember him?), Kelley, and Mike to discuss the upcoming Drupal GovCon, what is means to be a junior developer, how the Drupal community is helping to make sure our community members stays healthy, and we bid farewell to Mike using the word "pimp". All that and our picks of week and five questions!
DrupalEasy News
- The Fall, 2016 session of Drupal Career Online begins September 26; applications are now open.
##Three Stories
- Let's be human at DrupalCon - track description for DrupalCon Dublin.
- 10 Things Every Jr. Drupal Web Developer Should Know - blog post by Jonathan Westman.
- DrupalNorth wrapup.
- - Long-term-support services for Drupal 6, 7, and 8 sites.
- - devPanel.
Picks of the Week
- Mike - - helps HR folks write better job descriptions (via YesCT).
- Andrew - Become a Certified Drupal Association Member.
- Kelley - Typogrify.
- Sarah - Liberty.
Upcoming Events
- NYC Camp - July 8-11.
- Drupal4Gov - July 20-22, Custom Content Migrations to Drupal 8 (Mike's session).
- Design4Drupal - July 22-24.
##Follow us on Twitter
Five Questions (answers only)
- Learning Japanese
- DrupalVM
- Speaking at Drupalcon
- Chicken
- Before 2008 was a print designer. They had an internal site that needed update so hey, Drupal. Read "Using Drupal" from cover to cover and created the site.
Sorry about the audio quality in this episode. We had to go to our emergency recording of the call which is only two channels (our regular recording is one channel per participant) and heavily compressed.
Intro Music
- Glory Glory: The Battle Hymn of the Association - from the DrupalCon New Orleans pre-note performed by Adam Juran, Campbell Vertesi and Jeremy Macguire.
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