David Hernandez, (davidhernandez), one of the DrupalCamp New Jersey organizers as well as one of the "evolution of Drupal governance" volunteers and Manager of Learning and Contributions at FFW and an Acquia certified Grand Master joins Mike Anello to talk about all of this roles (and a few more), trends in Drupal meetups, regional camps, and DrupalCons, event organizer burnout, and Docksal. In addition, we really had to work to figure out the answer to one of the "five questions".
- DrupalCamp NJ - February 2-4, 2018.
- Community Governance Meeting Takeaways blog post.
- Evolving Community Governance - Survey Results and a Call to Action blog post.
- Docksal - Docker-based local development environment.
DrupalEasy News
- Mastering Drupal Development Workflows with Pantheon - begins February 27.
- MyDropWizard.com - Long-term-support services for Drupal 6, 7, and 8 sites.
- WebEnabled.com - devPanel.
Upcoming Events
- DrupalCamp New Jersey - February 2-4, 2018.
- Florida Drupalcamp - February 16-18, 2018.
DrupalCon Nashville - April 9-13, 2018.
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- @ultimike
- @tedbow
- @sixmiletech
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- @davidnarrabilis
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