I recently was performing some module upgrades on DrupalEasy.com (on a development server, of course) when I was surprised to see that both the primary and secondary links were suddenly missing.
I spent the better part of two hours going through the various modules I had updated, checking and double-checking my theme, and generally pulling my hair out.
Turns out the solution was quite simple. Somehow, the sources for both the primary and secondary links had reset to "No primary links" and "No secondary links" on Drupal's main menu settings page (admin/build/menu/settings).
Once I realized this, it took me all of about 5 seconds to fix the problem.
[...] Disappearing Primary and Secondary Menus | DrupalEasy drupaleasy.com/quicktips/disappearing-primary-secondary-menus – view page – cached I recently was performing some module upgrades on DrupalEasy.com (on a development server, of course) when I was surprised to see that both the primar... Tweets about this link [...]
caused by drush?
i also had this happening one one of my sites. I only got it when using drush to perform the upgrades and when rolling back the changes and doing it manually everything worked without problems. Thanks for the solution (which i didn't find) - now i can attempt to use drush again for this!
disappearing main_menu with its contents
I have just started developing sites with drupal and am a learner, the same issue has happened to me, what steps exactly did you take in those 5 min to fix the problem?
Drupal 6
This quicktip is quite old - it is only valid for Drupal 6.
If you go to admin/build/menu/settings on a Drupal 6 site, you'll see a couple of select boxes: one for "Source for Primary links" and one for "Source for Secondary links". Just set those to the proper menus and click to save.