This is part 2 of a series of videos showing the process to upgrade to Drupal 9.
The process is mainly based on the Upgrade Status module's report and was recording during the weekly, 2-hour DrupalEasy office hours (provided to alumni of Drupal Career Online).
Part 2 includes:
- Updated PHP to 7.4.
- Updated Drupal core to 8.9 (with some Composer trouble along the way).
- Updated Upgrade Status module.
- Installed and enabled Composer Deploy module.
- Removed all Paragraphs content, uninstalled Paragraphs, Bootstrap Paragraphs, and Classy Paragraphs.
- Updated CTools module. Updated EU Cookie Compliance module.
Note: I use the word lame multiple times during the recording, and was properly informed (very kindly) after-the-fact that I should avoid using it in the future. I complete agree, and will continue to work towards using more inclusive language in the future. If you want to learn more, check out this article about 12 words that should be avoided to be a better ally.