Rick Manelius (rickmanelius), a project architect from Newmedia joins Mike Anello and Ted Bowman to talk about how and why Drupal developers should care about PCI Compliance. Anyone who builds, or is thinking of building, Drupal Commerce sites should listen to this episode. In addition to all the scintillating talk about PCI Compliance, we also discussed DrupalCon Prague, the Drupal 8 API Freeze, and our picks of the week!
- Drupal PCI Compliance White Paper
- PCI Security Standards Council, LLC
- PCI Self Assessment Questionnaires
- Qualified Security Assessor Companies
Five Questions
Each podcast we ask our guests the same five questions. Here are Rick Manelius's answers:
- MacBook Pro, Sublime Text
- Kevin Bridges (Cyberswat)
- Boston
- Any new speaker!
- The ability to run "drush sql-sync --sanitize" and have the data sanitized before download
Want to know what the five questions are? Listen to the podcast!
DrupalEasy News
Two Stories
- DrupalCon Prague - content submissions close Friday, July 12.
- Drupal 8 API Freeze
Picks of the Week
- Mike - Responsive Menus module by Joshua Walker (drastik)
- Ted - Prepopulate Create Node Links sandbox module by Ivgeni Slabkovski (hazah)
- Rick - Live Reload module by Pascal Crott (Hydra)
Upcoming Gigs
- Six Mile Tech Drupal training with Ted Bowman at NYC Camp - Friday, July 12 - Monday, July 15.
- Six Mile Tech Drupal training in NYC
- DrupalCamp Connecticut - August 10, Yale University
##Follow us on Twitter
Opening Music
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If you'd like to leave us a voicemail, call 321-396-2340. Please keep in mind that we might play your voicemail during one of our future podcasts. Feel free to call in with suggestions, rants, questions, or EntityForms advice for Ted. If you'd rather just send us an email, please use our contact page.
HA!- found a typo
Still have Matt Cheney listed in the Five Questions section...
Whoops! Thanks for catching the typo - it's all fixed now.