I ran across a situation the other day that had me a bit frustrated for a few minutes until Ted Bowman nudged me in the right direction. I was working on a small custom module for a client - one that involved altering a node form using hook_form_alter() - where I needed to know the value of the node ID being edited.
I had spent more than a few minutes digging into both the $form array and $form_state object desperately looking for the node ID, to no avail. I had pinged Ted on Slack about something else and I asked him if he knew how to find what I was looking for - he told me "maybe the form object is better".
That's all I needed to get unstuck, a few minutes and a Google search or two later, I stumbled upon the following:
Not only would this return the node id, it will actually return the id for any type of entity.
Just to be safe, I went ahead and wrapped it in a if-statement to make sure that the form object returned is actually an entity form:
if ($form_state->getFormObject() instanceOf EntityFormInterface) { $nid = $form_state->getformObject()->getEntity()->id(); }
Not working
I am using the hook_form_alter() to alter an exposed view filter. The method getEntity() is not found on the $form_state object. Is an exposed filter's $form_state/$form object any different from any regular form?
Views aren't entities
@emad - the reason it isn't working for you is because a Views exposed filter form isn't an entity form, so there's no entity to get the ID of...