Drupal Career Online Students Getting Ready to Graduate

Published May 27, 2015

In just a few short weeks, the latest class of DrupalEasy career training students will complete their course work and will be ready for an opportunity to prove themselves through internships, entry- or junior-level Drupal development positions! If your organization is looking to build its talent pipeline, this is your opportunity to bring on a highly-trained individual with the passion and desire for building Drupal sites.

We’ve set up a program to match graduate skills with potential employer needs with our Work Experience (WE) Drupal program, and it is once again open for new host applicants. WE Drupal hosts are under no obligation by applying - we're just looking for some information on what type of person you're looking for (developer, site-builder, front-end, QA, PM, etc…) and an idea of the types of projects you have in mind for the graduate. We'll share all of the student profiles with you, and share your information with our students.

If you find someone, or several who seems like they might fit the bill, we’ll make the introduction so you can speak with them. You are not obligated to hire anyone, but if you find someone you'd like to work with, the details of the relationship (type of employment, pay rate, hours/week, length of trial period, etc...) are all between you and the graduate.

By the time they graduate in a few weeks, students will have been immersed in comprehensive Drupal training for 12 weeks. Not only are they learning Drupal site building skills, but they've each developed a solid foundation with the entire Drupal ecosystem. They've received training on Git, Drush, Features, module and theme development, community contributions (both code and documentation). Students have presented numerous demos of their work to the rest of the class. Every student is ready for the next step: real-world experience.

In addition to providing instruction on Drupal and its ecosystem, we've also provided instruction on "learning how to learn" - what do you do when you get stuck? What's the best way to leverage the Drupal community? They also will continue to have access to our teaching materials, including screencasts and reference documents so that if they need a refresher on a topic, they know exactly where to go.

This will be our sixth graduating class from the various DrupalEasy career training programs. Our graduates have gone on to full-time, part-time, and contracting Drupal positions all over the United States. Like the previous DrupalEasy graduates, this class shares the desire to become part of the Drupal community. The next step is for them to find an organization that is looking for someone with the desire and qualifications to contribute to the organization's goals from day one, and willing to willing to provide an opportunity for additional learning and mentoring.

We're excited about the outlook for these Spring session graduates, and are already looking forward to our Fall semester, so if you need to train up your Drupal bench, or know someone who is looking to become a Drupal developer, please send them our way!

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