Time to Learn: Training at at the DrupalEasy Pace

Published December 20, 2022

Hourglass (pixel art)Our philosophy

Retaining and comprehending information is key to successfully learning and correctly applying what you learn; and it takes time and effort to fully comprehend and retain information.  

Training: time well spent

Drupal is not easy to learn, so we ensure our training programs include schedules generous enough to support the goal of retention and comprehension while factoring in real-life work and life demands. Long-form DrupalEasy courses are paced at a manageable level - usually about 10 hours per week, with never more than 3.5 hours in a single day. 

Training is important…sometimes critical, but that doesn’t mean it should be stressful or rushed. We all want to get things done quickly, but shortcuts in training generally make learning more difficult, less comfortable and less effective. Boot camp style training may be faster, but, in our experience, it simply doesn’t provide a valuable learning experience for the majority of students.

DrupalEasy training is designed with the goal to ensure that every participant is enriched, truly learns and can apply the subject matter successfully and correctly. We thoughtfully teach every topic in a way that allows students to learn and practice stackable skills to support comprehension and confidence. 

Soak Time: low stress, better results    

Training, to have value, must be effective and provide for an enriching, fulfilling experience. We believe that when learning something new, especially in the midst of ongoing professional and personal obligations, it is crucial to have time to ruminate on each lesson and provide space for meaningful follow-up before moving on to the next learning topic. We call it soak time. The soak time between classes allows students to review, practice, or ask questions about the previous lesson. It also provides a more natural way to learn and, in our extensive experience, almost always leads to better learning outcomes. 

The DrupalEasy training pace is a key component of the design of every one of our courses, and vital to the success of our programs and the members of our Drupal learning community. 

Both of our long-form Drupal training courses, Drupal Career Online (Session starts August 28th) and Professional Module Development (starts August 8th) adhere to this approach. 

The pixel art image above was generated by the DALL-E project of OpenAI. https://labs.openai.com/ 

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