We're getting workshoppy

Published May 27, 2016

We’ve really been busy here at DrupalEasy updating our curriculum and adding some training programs that we think will help get people leveraging the new awesomeness of Drupal 8. After a few times out at Drupal events, and our upcoming gig at Drupal North in Montreal with Introduction to Drupal 8 Module Development on June 15, we’ve decided to go broader. We’re going new school, with online sessions of these D8 workshops in June to extend the reach beyond camps and 'cons.  

If you are looking to get up to speed with Drupal 8 module development and/or theme development, two online afternoon sessions live, at your desktop are coming up:

Introduction to Drupal 8 Module Development

  • 2 Afternoons, Live, Online
  • Monday & Tuesday June 13 & 14;
  • 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm EDT each day
  • Early Bird: $199. After June 6; $249
  • Register now

The Introduction to Drupal 8 Module Development workshop is designed for anyone with either knowledge of PHP or knowledge of Drupal 7 module development. The workshop takes users through the development of three custom modules demonstrating the basic principles and concepts of Drupal 8 module development. Students will be hands-on for the majority of the day, and will leave with confidence to start writing their own custom Drupal 8 modules.

Introduction to Drupal 8 Theme Development

  • 3 Afternoons, Live, Online
  • Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday June 20 - 23
  • 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm EDT each day
  • Early Bird: $199. After June 13; $249
  • Register now

The Introduction to Drupal 8 Theme Development workshop is our newest curriculum and it's super-sized! Through three half-days of training, you will learn about Drupal 8 core's new built-in base themes, Twig templates, theme anatomy, and a full-on front-end development toolchain that utilizes Node.js and Gulp. The workshop uses the Bootstrap base theme for two of its three main units, giving students plenty of hands-on time developing custom themes. Anyone with knowledge of Drupal 7 theming or a working knowledge of HTML and CSS will leave the workshop with skills to allow them to start theming Drupal 8 sites.

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