Deadline for Drupal Book Giveaway Fast Approaching!

Published June 30, 2009

The deadline for winning one of four Drupal-related books that we're giving away will be here before you know it. UPDATE: the entries are now closed. Thank you for your participation.

If you'd like to win a free copy of Matt Butcher's Drupal 6 JavaScript and jQuery from Packt Publishing, all you have to do is either leave a comment with your best jQuery/JavaScript tip and/or why you'd like to win the book. You can also enter by calling our voicemail at 321-441-3964.

We're also giving away a couple of copies of the Emma Jane Hobgin and Konstantin Kaefer Front End Drupal book. Again, you can enter by leaving a comment with your best theming tip and/or why you'd like to win the book or by leaving us a voicemail at: 321-441-3964.

Good luck!


I don't have a theming tip to recommend but I'm sure reading Emma Jane's book would teach me some good ones :)

I'd like to throw my name into the hat, please.
--Kim in Nashville, TN

Submitted by Kim Day (not verified) on Tue, 06/30/2009 - 16:15

Why would I like to win...why would I like to win...hmmmmm...
Well, I'm just getting about waist deep in Drupal and my company is full speed ahead with it, so I need to ramp up!



Submitted by Ted Wells (not verified) on Tue, 06/30/2009 - 16:55

I would love to win a copy of Emma Jane and Konstantin's book because, simply put, I would like to learn how to make Drupal NOT look like Drupal ;)

Please add my name into the mix.

As far as a theming tip, to create templates based on specific node types,
1. duplicate node.tpl.php
2. rename to node-.tpl.php (e.g. node-blog.tpl.php)
3. modify the node specific tpl.php file to reflect the changes you want to create
4. Repeat as needed for each node type

Submitted by Paul Barrette (not verified) on Tue, 06/30/2009 - 17:18

I would love to win a copy of the jquery and Drupal book.

Why ?

1) Beacause I really need to learn jquery, I've to build an ahah field to upload images.
2) I really want to understand how I should use jquery with Drupal
3) I need to improve my english ;)

Sorry for the tips i'm too noob : /

But I’m also interesting about front end Drupal,
I’ve some tips to tell you about theming, but at this moment I can’t find a little one. But think about theming Drupal formulary, I can make a difference between two Drupal sites.

I think I will buy one of the two books, so I'll be very happy if you can offering me one them :)

Best regards

im a studen working freelance and im making my 2nd drupal site
but im having a little problems theming it
i pay for school too
i also am the first to rate this node:D
thank you

Submitted by ddorian (not verified) on Tue, 06/30/2009 - 17:38

I would love to win a copy of Front End Drupal because themeing and making a Drupal site unique is one of my weak areas and I want to get better. I do a lot of Drupal beginner tutorials on my blog so I'm always looking to learn more and share more.

I don't really have a themeing tip because that's my Achilles heel, which is why I hope to win a copy of Front End Drupal.

thanks for having this giveaway.

I would really appreciate the Front End Drupal book (although knowing nothing about JQuery and Javascript that would be valuable too!).

I have several favourite tips that I hope others will find useful because I just couldn't decide which one was the best :)

One of my favourite theming tips is to take a colour that either the client wants or is in an image or logo that you need to work with and enter it into the ColorSchemeDesigner website where you can play with palettes until your heart is content - preview them, save them, export them etc. This is an absolutely fabulous online site made all the more wonderful by its recent upgrade.

Another one is along the same lines - it takes an image that you upload and spits out the palette colours for you De Graeve. So cool!

Next is a previewing tool that lets you see your theme in a variety of browsers and OS's
Just make sure that you aren't over zealous selecting too many options though as it may take a while.


PS The reason I would like the Front End Drupal book is because I have only been working with Drupal for 2 months, and really want to become proficient with at least one part of it.

Submitted by I_am_trying_to… (not verified) on Tue, 06/30/2009 - 21:53

I would really love a copy of Emma Jane Hobgin and Konstantin Kaefer Front End Drupal. I've just become the themer/designer for my company and I could use a good tip or two!


Submitted by heather (not verified) on Tue, 06/30/2009 - 23:03

jCarousellite makes an excellent image scroller, that integrates well using the Drupal plugin. But I integrated it directly at the template level, showing it for every page of

I've not been working for Drupal or jQuery for long either, and would appreciate a good reference point to turn to.

I'm a web developer and I’m working on Drupal since 7 month. During this time I have learned a lot but I've more to learn.

So I really like to win one of the two books, because whit Drupal 6 JavaScript and jQuery I'll be able to make better user friendly web site and with Front End Drupal I will make beautiful web site and understand the theming secrets of Drupal.

I've a tip, and this tip will really help you!
This is a Drupal theming steel cheat pdf, with all the commands!…

Enjoy it and please select me :)

Submitted by Marie-laure Crola (not verified) on Wed, 07/01/2009 - 03:26

I'd like Emma's book so I can learn more Drupal and next time leave a tip. She also has a cook accent!

Submitted by Guest (not verified) on Wed, 07/01/2009 - 03:55

Are comments supposed to go here or on the indiv. blog pages? Everyone is posting here it seems...

My theming tip to win the Front End book: start with Zen and customize from there, it's been the biggest help to get me started, much less confusing that way.

I'd also like the jQuery/Javascript book because I desperately need to learn both of those, I'm a total beginner in that arena. Does that count? :-)

Author comment

It doesn't matter where the comments are posted - we'll put all the names from the voicemail and both comment locations (here and the podcast pages) into a hat and pick the winners.

If we don't have your contact info (either via your voicemail message or your account), we'll announce the winners names on the site and leave it up to them to get in touch with us.


Ooooh, I'd like to win the jquery book. I need to learn it to take Advanced Forum to the next level. I don't have a tip because I don't know any jquery, yet, sorry.

I already have FED. :)


Hello, I'd like to win a copy of the jquery book. I need to progress on this way and actually I can't offering me this book. Thanks drupaleasy for all the work you've done and good luck to all the participants.

Submitted by Aurelien wallet (not verified) on Thu, 07/02/2009 - 01:48

I would like a copy of Front End Drupal because I want to create eye-catching websites. I think this book would help me do this. Another factor is that a book on theming is not going to go out-of-date quickly. I like the fact that this book has case studies.

My theming tip is to decide first what sort of layout you want - fixed or fluid width? How many columns?

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