DrupalEasy Podcast

Started in 2009, the DrupalEasy Podcast is a weekly review of new developments and announcements in the worldwide Drupal community with regular appearances by notable Drupal community contributors. Rotating co-hosts Andrew Riley, Anna Kalata, Kelley Curry, Michael Anello, Ryan Price, and Ted Bowman bring their collected experience and geeky obsessions to the virtual airwaves to enlighten, inform, and (sometimes) entertain Drupal hobbyists and professionals around the world. Subscribe in iTunes, Stitcher, directly from our feed, or your favorite podcast directory.

DrupalEasy Podcast 200 - Ryan's Drumroll

The three original hosts of the DrupalEasy Podcast, Andrew Riley, Ryan Price, and Mike Anello take a look back at episode 1 of the podcast, the last 9 years of Drupal, and what the next 5 years may bring.

December 10, 2017

DrupalEasy Podcast 199 - David Rogers - What's up with React?

David Rogers, Senior Front End Engineer at Pendo.io, joins Mike Anello to discuss from a Drupal-specific standpoint. They discuss the road to the Drupal community selecting React for use in Drupal core, when a typical Drupal developer should start thinking about React, and what the best first steps are for learning it.

November 27, 2017

DrupalEasy Podcast 196 - Ryan's Ace(?) in the Hole - Paragraphs Module

Ryan Price and Mike Anello discuss the pros and cons of the Paragraphs module, including using it for layout and/or information architecture. Ryan takes the discussion in unexpected directions by bringing up Pattern Lab as a prototyping tool and his mysterious "Ace in the Hole" (which Mike feels is more like a Jack of spades). In addition, there's some discussion about a new-ish feature in the Migrate Plus module that is sure to make migration developers happy.

August 18, 2017

DrupalEasy Podcast 194 - Easter Egg

Ryan Price and Mike Anello sit down for less than an hour(!) and cover all the Drupal news that's fit to discuss from the past few weeks. Topics covered include Composer, modernizing Drupal's issue queue, ES6, external site search engines, and Drupal 8 configuration management contributed modules.

June 29, 2017

DrupalCon Baltimore Day 1 Recap

Join Kelley Curry, Ryan Price, Liz Lipinski, Dan Schiavone, Kevin Lannahan, Lakia Newkirk and Mike Anello discuss the goings-on at Day 1 of DrupalCon Baltimore. Music: Drupalcon Baltimore (to the tune of Good Morning Baltimore) from the Prenote.

April 29, 2017

DrupalEasy Podcast 190 - Ted Sings! (Dan Schiavone, Elizabeth Lipinski - DrupalCon Baltimore Sessions)

Dan Schiavone (schiavone), President, Snake Hill Web Agency, and local lead front end track for DrupalCon Baltimore and Elizabeth Lipinski (lizardata), Technolgy Strategist (also from Snake Hill) and the local lead business track joins Ted and Mike to discuss session submission for DrupalCon Baltimore. We also discuss Media in Core and changes to Drupal marketplace rankings before making our picks of the week!

January 25, 2017