DrupalEasy Podcast

Started in 2009, the DrupalEasy Podcast is a weekly review of new developments and announcements in the worldwide Drupal community with regular appearances by notable Drupal community contributors. Rotating co-hosts Andrew Riley, Anna Kalata, Kelley Curry, Michael Anello, Ryan Price, and Ted Bowman bring their collected experience and geeky obsessions to the virtual airwaves to enlighten, inform, and (sometimes) entertain Drupal hobbyists and professionals around the world. Subscribe in iTunes, Stitcher, directly from our feed, or your favorite podcast directory.

DrupalEasy Podcast 173 - Secret Bunker (Peter Wolanin, Cathy Theys - Drupal Security Team)

Cathy Theys (yesct) and Peter Wolanin (pwolanin) from the Drupal Security Team join Anna Kalata and Mike Anello to discuss the origins, evolution, and efforts of the team. Peter and Cathy discuss how to report potential security issues, how issues are handled within the team, and how they prioritize potential contributed module security issues. In addition, we discuss Drupal from the outside-in, Cathy's travel schedule, secret bunkers, the need for us to keep Peter busy in the Drupal community (seriously), Mike's slow loss of control, customers who contribute, and how Drupal might be related to the Panama Papers. As if that wasn't enough, we give Cathy control of the five questions - let the fun begin!

April 08, 2016

DrupalEasy Podcast 167 - Ted Spoils Star Wars (2015 Year in Review)

In this very special holiday episode of the DrupalEasy Podcast, (most of) the co-hosts pick our favorite Drupaly things from 2015, including our favorite Drupal moments as well as our favorite things about Drupal 8. Ted teaches us about the spirit of Christmas, Andrew talks about his favorite podcast episode, Ryan makes a surprise appearance, and we meet Kelley Curry (BrightBold), our newest co-host.

January 02, 2016

DrupalEasy Podcast 160 - Shamed (Michelle Krejci - Automated Drupal Deployment)

Michelle Krejci (craychee), engineer at Palantir.net, joins Mike Anello, Ted Bowman, and Ryan Price to talk about grand Belgian statues, things in Chicago that only tourists love, why we're all confused about the thing called "continuous integration" and all the tools and technologies around it. Michelle breaks it all down for us and provides a reasonable entry point for beginners. Recent Drupal news, picks of the week, and five questions round out the rest of the episode.

August 04, 2015