
Import and Map Over 5,000 Points of Interest in 45 Minutes

Published April 29, 2013

At Florida DrupalCamp 2013, I presented a session (video included) that demonstrated how to utilize the Feeds, Feeds Tamper, Address field, Geofield, and other modules to create a fully-functional website for searching for Farmers Markets anywhere in the United States. While the session's intent was to inspire people as to what Drupal can do in a very short amount of time, this blog post will focus on the details of the process.

Give your comments a shelf life

Published January 30, 2013

Doug Hercules ( dhercjr on drupal.org) is a graduate of the 2012 class of the DrupalEasy Career Starter Program and currently working as an intern with DrupalEasy. This week I was tasked with learning how to automatically close comments on a node two weeks after the node is created. We initially looked into a couple modules that did this well, Comment closer and Comment commander , but since neither is quite ready for Drupal 7, we decided this would be a good opportunity for me to learn more about the Rules module. Maintained by Wolfgang Ziegler ( fago ) and Klaus Purer ( klausi ), this module allows you to define actions that are triggered automatically on various Drupal events as they occur. This blog post will walk you through how I accomplished this task.

POOF! I've cloned a website!

Published January 15, 2013

Doug Hercules ( dhercjr on drupal.org ) is a graduate of the 2012 class of the DrupalEasy Career Starter Program ( http://drupaleasy.com/dcsp ) and currently working as an intern with DrupalEasy. This week I had the opportunity to clone a website from a git repository using Quickstart . Quickstart is a really quick, pre-made PHP Drupal development environment in a VirtualBox , which allows you to install a virtual machine to run Linux on your Windows PC. I've only gone through the process of cloning a site into Quickstart once before, and this time I thought I’d document it in my blog for myself and anyone else who might want to do this in the future. The general idea is this - there’s a site that I need to work on that is stored in a remote git repository. I want to get a copy of the site up-and-running inside Quickstart. To get started, I downloaded Quickstart, installed VirtualBox, then imported the Quickstart file into it.

Leveraging WebEnabled.com's Remote Git Repositories - for Beginners

Published October 31, 2012

Using Git to move the code base of a Drupal site from a local development environment to a hosting provider (or vice-versa) is a necessary skill that most Drupal site builders should have. Configuring and utilizing a remote Git repository can be an especially daunting task for people who don't have a strong background with version control systems.

Anatomy of a Full-Featured, Responsive Slideshow

Published September 1, 2012

How many times do you find yourself building the same bit of functionality on Drupal sites for various clients? Whether it be a photo gallery, multi-user blog, or slideshow, as Drupal site builders, we often find ourselves re-inventing the wheel. Personally, I’ve been asked to build slideshows on many client (and volunteer) sites that I’m involved with. Over the years, I’ve developed a recipe for a powerful and flexible slideshow that often exceeds the needs of all but the most particular clients. I recently added the ability for the slideshow to be responsive, and now seems to be a good time to share what I’ve done. At the end of this post, I’ve provided the slideshow as a Features that you can implement on your sites.

Installing Acquia Commons on Acquia Dev Desktop

Published October 28, 2011

As part of a Drupal workshop that I'm teaching (the Drupal Career Starter Program ), we've been discussing Acquia Commons . Our discussions led us to decide to have a local meetup specifically to learn more about it. Since we expect a number of newbies at the meetup, I figured I post a quick video showing how to get Commons up-and-running using Acquia Dev Desktop . I found it to be a little bit tricky, mainly because the memory requirements for Commons are a bit higher than for core Drupal. The video shows how to tweak a couple of memory setting in the php.ini file. NOTE: If you're using the Windows version of Acquia Dev Desktop, you can ignore the "apc.shm_size" change - it isn't used in Windows!

Interview with Dorien Herremans, Author of "Drupal 6: Ultimate Community Site Guide"

Published November 5, 2010

Drupal 6: Ultimate Community Site Guide (2nd Edition) was published earlier this year by Sun Flare Ltd. . Dorien was kind enough to participate in an interview with DrupalEasy's Mike Anello. Dorien Herremans runs Sun Flare Ltd, an organisation that specializes in Drupal development and consulting. She is a MSc Commercial Engineer in Management Information Services from the University of Antwerp, Belgium. 1. Dorien, please tell us a little bit about your book. The Drupal 6: Ultimate Community Site Guide could be compared to a very long tutorial on how to set up a community site with Drupal 6. Or better yet, sequences of small tutorials, that are integrated. Some of the features that are implemented are profiles, photo galleries, video galleries, forum, walls, private messaging, etc. Throughout the entire book, the reader is guided by the example site drupalfun.com . The implementation of every feature is described in detail, along with example screenshots. In essence, this book takes you by the hand in setting up a full featured community website.

Taxonomy Term Pages on Steroids Using Panels and Views

Published October 27, 2010

Creating a well-organized, content-heavy website is difficult. Creating one that is also sustainable is even trickier. It's easy to keep adding features to a web site without considering how they fit into the overall plan until you get to the point where things start getting out-of-hand and site maintenance starts becoming a real issue (blame Drush for making it so darn easy to add new modules!)

Fast and Safe Module Updates with Drush and SVN

Published August 17, 2010

One of the primary ways of keeping a Drupal site of any size running securely and at peak performance is to ensure that all of its modules stay updated. With thousands of modules in the Drupal eco-system, updates are released literally every day. Luckily, Drupal core's Update Status module helps site administrators keep notified of modules in need of updating. In this article, you'll learn how to use the power of Drush and Apache Subversion (aka "svn"), a revision control tool, to update your site's module quickly and safely. You'll be presented with two methods for solving the problem. The second method is much faster, but comes with a caveat. Read on.

Creating a Directory of Public Features Servers

Published February 12, 2010

In an attempt to point to some of the great things that are available using Features , I tried to look for a directory of Feature Servers . Sadly, Google was not very helpful. After some digging, I was able to locate a page on the OpenAtrium Community site called Distributed Feature Servers . This points to many of the other pages I was able to find via search. Utilmately I created a wiki page on the Packaging & Deployment group of groups.drupal.org, which seems to be one of the hottest places to discuss Features. Directory of Public Features Servers wiki page Currently, there is tons of info about how to create your own Features Server, but not much about where all the publicly available features servers are located. If you know of others, please go edit the wiki page on groups.drupal.org or leave them in the comments here.

Theming Nodereference - or - Reusing Complex Data in Drupal

Published August 1, 2009

This is your moment, you've decided to step up and make a job board for your local Drupal User Group. You spend some time thinking about everything you'll need, including the job listings themselves. You'll want to gather the standard info, like job title and job description, salary, experience, the works. When it comes to gathering company info, your instincts make you take a few extra moments to plan. If you think about this from the perspective of the person posting 6 or 7 jobs, she would end up having to type (or at least copy and paste) the business' contact information each time. If you think about collecting 3 or 4 fields for each business, then that's about 20 extra form fields for the user to fill out. If she then decides to change the info, let's say she made a typo, she now must click through each edit screen 6 or 7 times. That amounts to hundreds of clicks and several hundred repeated keystrokes. There must be a better way. A nodereference can help your users. Once finished, you will have two nodes, one for a job and another for a company, and yet you will still display the information about the company inside the job listing. By the end of this tutorial, you should understand what a nodereference is for, how to create and use one, and finally, how to use template files to theme the output of the nodereference and get the most out of the relationship.