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Drupal Career Online, Fall 2017 Graduates!
How do I learn Drupal? Let me count the ways.
Becoming a First-Rate Web Developer; Heart in the Game, Eye on the Prize
DrupalEasy Office Hours
Florida DrupalCamp 2017 Recap; Bigger in All Dimensions
Learning Drupal: Time is On Your Side
Florida DrupalCamp: Now a 3-day, networking and learning open-source extravaganza!
Announcing Florida DrupalCamp’s Second Featured Speaker, Drupal Association Director Megan Sanicki!
The 9th annual Florida DrupalCamp (FLDC) will be held February 17,18, and 19th, 2017 in Orlando, Florida; DrupalEasy is proud to be a sponsor. We’re super excited to announce Megan Sanicki as our second featured speaker. Megan is the Executive Director of the Drupal Association (DA), and will talk about all the things that the DA does to promote and serve Drupal. Megan joins Helena Zubkow as a featured speaker for FLDC. Helena is an accessibility expert for Lullabot and will be leading a double-length session on how to make Drupal sites accessible. The third (and final) featured speaker will
Book review: Drupal 8 Development Cookbook
###Really good content in the wrong format. Drupal 8 Development Cookbook, written by Matt Glaman is full of useful information about Drupal 8 site building and development - and a worthy addition to anyone's Drupal library. Unfortunately, the "cookbook" format of the book seems to subtract, rather than add, to the usually well-explained concepts throughout. The book covers an impressive array of topics: Everything from setting up a local environment to many of the technical details of the Entity API. No matter what your skill level with Drupal, there is likely to be something in this book of interest. Having
World-wide and World-class Drupal Training
DrupalEasy is proud to announce another cavalcade of training events in the coming months, both online and in-person. We have numerous opportunities for you to take advantage of our proven Drupal 8 module and theme development courses as well as our flagship technical education program for those seeking comprehensive training to become developers; the 12-week Drupal Career Online. The primary instructor for all courses is Mike Anello (ultimike), an expert instructor and experienced, practicing Drupal developer. All DrupalEasy training is taught by only expert developers to ensure that lessons are taught accurately, reflect best practices, and draw on how real-world
Best Practices = Effective Government
A Taste of Drupal:The Dish on Crushing it as a Drupal Developer
A Deep Dive into Views in a Unique Fashion (Book Review: Mastering Drupal 8 Views)
Gregg Marshall's Mastering Drupal 8 Views is one of the (I can only assume) many Drupal 8-focused books that will be released in the coming months. It is a very good deep dive into many of the hidden corners of the Views module, albeit with an interesting format. Not completely structured like a typical how-to software book, Gregg takes a bit more of a novel approach (pun intended) - he takes the reader on a journey through the Views module through the eyes of Lynn, a small business owner (Lynn's cat and Drupal consultant also have prominent roles). While some