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Florida DrupalCamp 2016 Wins and Losses
Introduction to Drupal 8 Module Development Training at DrupalCon New Orleans
We're pleased to announced that our Introduction to Drupal 8 Module Development full-day workshop has been selected as one of the official trainings for DrupalCon New Orleans! We’re joining forces with Ted Bowman at Six Mile Tech to create and present brand new curricullum for Drupal 8 module development. Module development is more powerful than ever with Drupal 8. Object-orientation, the maturity of Drupal's various APIs, Drupal 8's new underlying Symfony (and other) components, and the emergence of Drupal Console means that developing for Drupal 8 requires new knowledge. Our workshop is designed to introduce existing Drupal developers as well
How Do I Become a Web Developer?
DrupalEasy is Proudly Sponsoring Florida DrupalCamp (again!)
Florida DrupalCamp is coming up on March 5th, and DrupalEasy is happy to be involved as a sponsor and organizer. This year's event will be better than ever, with three amazing featured speakers flying in from three different countries! Karen Stevenson, Morten DK, and Jesus Manuel Olivas will be presenting double-length sessions on the lastest Druapl 8-related topics. * Morten DK is a major contributor to Twig in Drupal 8, and has been fighting extraneous markup in Drupal for years. He will be speaking on Drupal 8 theming. * Karen Stevenson is the Director of Technology at Lullabot. She is
The Need for Web Developers is Going Up - Way Up
Looking for a new, promising career? How do you feel about climbing a 212-foot (64.6m) tower next to a cable carrying 34.5kV of electricity? Perhaps you enjoy a workplace where arc flashes and fault currents are hazards to be dodged every day? If so, you're in luck because the occupation forecasted to grow the fastest in the next 10 years is that of a wind turbine service technician. If you like the idea of getting into a truly growing field, but would rather do something a little more (ahem) down to earth, then perhaps web development (we recommend Drupal!) is the way to go. The United States Department of Labor (USDOL) recently released a short video showcasing the occupations projected to be the fastest growing for the next 10 years, and web developer is near the top of the list.
Long Form Drupal Training For Long Term Success
It's that time of year again - the next session of the Drupal Career Online program is about to get underway. Interested in learning Drupal best practices, common development shop workflows, as well as a bunch of the tools that modern Drupal professionals use every day? Looking to expand your current development team but don't have the time or the resources to train existing or new staff? If so, the Drupal Career Online program was designed with your needs in mind! This will be the seventh time we've taught our curriculum, and the ninth time overall that is has been used for long-form Drupal training (Acquia has used it for their Acquia U program). We're confident that it provides students with the knowledge and experience to compress the amount of time it takes to become a Drupal professional.
Drupal Career Online Students Getting Ready to Graduate
In just a few short weeks, the latest class of DrupalEasy career training students will complete their course work and will be ready for an opportunity to prove themselves through internships, entry- or junior-level Drupal development positions! If your organization is looking to build its talent pipeline, this is your opportunity to bring on a highly-trained individual with the passion and desire for building Drupal sites. We’ve set up a program to match graduate skills with potential employer needs with our Work Experience (WE) Drupal program, and it is once again open for new host applicants. WE Drupal hosts are under no obligation by applying - we're just looking for some information on what type of person you're looking for (developer, site-builder, front-end, QA, PM, etc…) and an idea of the types of projects you have in mind for the graduate. We'll share all of the student profiles with you, and share your information with our students.
Drupal Goes to College
DrupalEasy is so excited to announce that we are teaming up with Stetson University to present the first comprehensive, university-based Drupal career professional development program in Florida! The Drupal Career Certificate Program (DCCP), which is built on DrupalEasy’s Drupal Career Starter Program curriculum, marks an official entrance to the Drupal talent pipeline through the US higher education system. The DCCP, now part of the university’s Boundless Learning programs, will be officially announced at Florida DrupalCamp 2015! The first course will kick off this Fall at the Stetson Celebration Center located right in the middle of Florida's High Tech corridor on the outskirts of Orlando.
Book Review: Drush for Developers (Second Edition)
Calling this book a "second edition" is more than a little bit curious, since there is no Drush for Developers (First Edition). I can only assume that the publisher considers Juampy's excellent Drush User's Guide (reviewed here) as the "first edition" of Drush for Developers (Second Edition), but that really minimzes ths book, as it is so much more than an updated version of Drush User's Guide. It would be like saying The Godfather, Part 2 is an updated version of The Godfather - which is just crazy talk. Drush Developer's Guide is more of a sequel - and (like The Godfather, Part 2) a darn good one at that.
Book Review: Programmer's Guide to Drupal
O'Reilly's Programmer's Guide to Drupal, written by Jennifer Hodgdon is a solid book for Drupal developers of all skill levels. I'd argue that it is one of the better books for PHP developers wanting to learn more about Drupal. It provides a wealth of solid information on a nice array of topics that professional Drupal developers should know. It's not a long read (less than 100 pages of actual content), but the structure and variety of topics covered makes it a great reference for best practices and intermediate to advanced "what's the best way to do this?" topics in Drupal development.
Last Chance to Register for the Spring 2016 Semester of Drupal Career Online
There are a lot of ways to train people to become Drupal site-builders, developers, and themers: books, blog posts, screencasts, 1-day trainings, and mentors - just to name a few. Drupal Career Online is different; we provide more than just one learning vector into our students brains. Our live, online, Drupal training program provides an expert instructor, professional tried-and-true curriculum, a full library of screencasts supporting the curriculum, and access to dedicated community mentors. Furthermore, this isn't bootcamp-style training; Drupal Career Online is a sanely-paced 12-week program that meets just 3 times per week. The goal of the Drupal Career Online program is simple: to create talented, well-rounded, community-minded Drupal site-builders, developers, and themers with a real-world knowledge of Drupal and the various satellite technologies that Drupal professionals use every day. Our next session starts on March 24.
Florida DrupalCamp 2015 - It's SSSSuper
For the sixth year in a row, Central Florida will host the Sunshine State's largest gathering of Drupalists for two full days of learning, networking, and sharing at Florida DrupalCamp 2015. To be held Saturday and Sunday, April 11-12, 2015 at Florida Technical College in Orlando, approximately 300 people will gather for a full day of sessions and a full day of community contributions. Attendees will be provided with knowledge, food, and clothing - and maybe a surprise or two as well!
Creating a Talent Underpinning
Having just completed presenting the Drupal career training portion of AcquiaU, we are anticipating great experiences for all ten students as they begin their eight weeks of rotations within three different business groups within Acquia. The past two months have been a whirlwind of teaching, learning and team building, which provided great insight into a forward-thinking approach to building Drupal talent, made possible by the commitment of Acquia. We are pleased to have contributed to the new AcquiaU with the customization of our Drupal Career Online curriculum. I’d like to share some great lessons learned, as well as introduce the ten people who were lucky enough (luck favors the prepared) to be selected for this amazing program.