DrupalEasy provides beginner through advanced training programs for private and public presentation, including programs tailored to individual organizations, user markets and workforce needs. DrupalEasy develops and presents programs for organizations directly or as a subcontractor to some of the largest Drupal companies in the world who need expert training for their clients and staff.
The DrupalEasy training portfolio includes in-person and online programs that draw on our extensive catalog of courses, as well as customized products that span:
- ongoing need-focused project coaching
- single sessions
- single- and multi-day workshops
- multi-week in-depth programs
Private Programs
Custom Training Workshops
- Northern Commerce - 2021
- Vanderbilt University - 2020
- San Francisco State University - 2017
- Florida Board of Realtors - 2017
- MDVIP - 2017
- Achieve Agency - 2017
- University of Chicago - 2016
- AcquiaU training/curriculum provider 2014, 2015
- Acquia client training - 2014, 2015
- Phase 2 client training- 2014
- Blink Reaction client training - 2014
- Bete Fog Nozzle, Inc. - 2014
- Northeast Florida Library Information Netwok (NEFLIN) - 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
- Southeast Florida Library Information Netwok (SEFLIN) - 2010, 2013, 2014
- Kony, Inc. - 2012
- Tampa Bay Library Consortium - 2009, 2010
- Florida Gulf Coast University - 2010
- Alachua Cunty Library System - 2009, 2014
- Stock Building Supply - 2009
- NaviNet - 2009
Project Coaching
- Jefferson County PUblic Schools - 2022, 2023
- Linkletter.com 2022, 2023
- University of Massachusetts, Boston - 2017
- Achieve Agency - 2017
- Real Story Group - 2015, 2016
- Virginia Tech - 2017, 2016
- Orange County Library System - 2016
- Iowa Public Employees Retirement Program - 2016
- Hiebing - 2016
Public Programs
- Drupal Career Online -Spring and Fall sessions - 2014–2023
- Professional Module Development - Winter and Summer sessions – 2022-2023
- Introduction to Module Development - DrupalCon PIttsburgh 2023
- Introduction to Module Development - DrupalCon Portland 2022
- Composer Basics - NEDCamp 2019
- 2019Composer Basics - Online workshop 2019
- Composer Basics - GovCon 2019
- Introduction to Module Development - DrupalCon Seattle 2019
- Introduction to Module Development - Florida DrupalCamp 2019
- Updating your local development environment with DDEV - DrupalCamp Atlanta 2018
- Updating your local development environment with DDEV - BADCamp 2018
- Introduction to Drupal8 Module Development - DrupalCon Nashville 2018
- Updating your local development environment with DDEV - DrupalCamp Colorado 2018
- Updating your local development environment with DDEV - DrupalCamp Asheville 2018
- Updating your local development environment with DDEV - Twin Cities DrupalCamp 2018
- Configuration Systems Basics - Florida DrupalCamp 2018
- Drupal 8 Configuration System Basics - DrupalCamp Atlanta - 2017
- Drupal 8 Configuration System Basics - Bay Area Drupal Camp, Berkeley - 2017
- Introduction to Drupal 8 Module Development, DrupalCamp Baltimore 2017
- Introduction to Drupal Development Workflows and Best Practice - Bay Area Drupal Camp, Berkeley - 2016
- Introduction to Drupal 8 Module Development - DrupalCon Dublin - 2016
- Introduction to Drupal Development Workflows and Best Practices, Drupal GovCon, Washington, DC - 2016
- Introduction to Drupal 8 Module Development - DrupalCon New Orleans - 2016
- Introduction to Drupal 8 Theme Development - Online 2016
- Introduction to Drupal 8 Module Development - Drupal North - Montreal 2016
- Drupal Career Starter Program - Cocoa, Florida - 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
- Getting Your Stuff Into Drupal: Basics of Content Migration - DrupalEasy Live Online - 2014
- Build-A-Module Mentored Training - DrupalCon Portland - 2013
- Content Migration - DrupalCamp Austin - 2013
- Blue Collar Git - DrupalCamp Charlotte - 2012
- Blue Collar Git - DrupalCamp Atlanta - 2012
- Zero to Drupal - DrupalCamp Nashville - 2012
- Zero to Drupal - General Assembly, New York, NY - 2012
- South Florida Drupal Jumpstart (5 days) - Miami - 2012
- Hello, Drupal (Acquia) - Orlando - 2012
- Introduction to Drupal - Florida DrupalCamp - Orlando - 2009, 2010, 2011
- Beginning Drupal Theming - DrupalCon Chicago - 2011
- Beginning Theming - DrupalCon San Francisco - 2010
- Ubercart Basics - Orlando - 2009
In addition, we've presented a plethora of conference sessions and moderated at DrupalCons and Camps around the world, including:
- DrupalCamp Baltimore, - 2017
- Drupal GovCon, Washington DC - 2016
- DrupalCamp New Jersey - 2016
- DrupalCon Barcelona - 2015
- DrupalCamp Austin - 2013
- DrupalCon Portland - 2013
- DrupalCamp Charlotte - 2012
- DrupalCamp Nashville - 2012
- Florida DrupalCamp - 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015
- DrupalCamp South Florida - 2011, 2012
- DrupalCamp Atlanta - 2011, 2012
- DrupalCon San Francisco - 2010
- DrupalCon Paris - 2009