Site Administration: Building Custom Workflows

"Work smarter, not harder". Do you find yourself hitting the ceiling with Drupal's administration tools? Do your Editors and Clients complain about the difficulty of Drupal, or are they prone to make mistakes? Do you need advanced permissions, with multi-level approval? Per-department, per-user, or worse? Drupal has been helping people solve these problems for years now, and new modules are making it more powerful all the time.

Get a handle on some tools to speed up the content administration of your site, and build moderation workflows that span from simple to head-spinning. This full-day course covers:

  • Combining Views with custom modules to make administration screens
  • Views Bulk Operations and Batch processing
  • Multi-step review with Workflow
  • Permissions with Taxonomy Access Control and TAC Lite
  • Auto-rotating content with Slot Machine
  • Using Flags and Date fields for Editorial control, Moderation and Voting
  • Sending and receiving administrative Email with Drupal
  • Customizing WYSIWIG editors for Content Admins
Skill Level
Intended Audience
Site administrators
Site managers

6-12 monts of Drupal Administration, advanced knowledge of CCK and Views, some PHP skills, some module development.